2013 was no ordinary year for the Animation and Visual Effects industry. It was a year marked by epic CG work, box office records, and industry controversy. The team over at Animation Scoop compiled an awesome article that shows just how impressive a year it was for CG films. In fact, 18 of the top 20 “couldn’t exist without the artists, designers, board artists, and animators.”
We want to applaud all of you, CG artists and members of our community, for bringing your dreams and ideas to this industry we all love. As you can see, the entertainment industry is not possible without artists like you. To show our thanks, we compiled your most visited Animation Mentor blog posts of 2013 into one easy to digest list. Thank you for your participation in the Animation Mentor community and your contributions to the industry!
-The Animation Mentor Crew
(1) A Vision For The Future of Animation & Visual Effects
You witnessed protests, social media green solidarity, and a lot of opinions on what needs to change our industry. CEO and co-founder, Bobby Beck, shared his thoughts on why this is happening and a vision for the future of entertainment.
Read more here.
(2) Infographic of Hair & Fur Advances In Special Effects
You geeked out with us big time on this infographic. The millions of fur strands, the thousands of render hours, and the astounding innovation in computer technology all come together to create realistic hair and fur.
Read more here.
(3) From Student To Sony Pictures Imageworks
Your peers shared their job hunting experiences and the insights learned along the way. Animation Mentor graduate, Nic Cabana, discusses his journey to Sony Pictures Imageworks and how to overcome the obstacles along the way.
Read more here.
(4) 10 CG Lighting Tips To Create A Feature Film Look
You looked for ways to make your work shine. CG artist, Manar Al Tawam, walks you through the lighting and rendering process for an animation shot. Follow his 10 steps to produce a feature film look in your work.
Read more here.
(5) Top 5 Essentials Of Animating Creatures
You absorbed every bit of animation you could. ILM animator, Jean Denis-Haas, explains the importance of having creature animation as a skill set and how to produce the best reel for the studio you are applying to.
Read more here.
(6) How To Overcome A Creative Block
You may have hit one or two creative blocks. You are not alone in this realm – in fact – Animation Mentor students share their thoughts on how to work through a block.
Read more here.
(7) 7 Animation Tips To Make Your Work Rock
You learned that the learning never ends. Animation Mentor graduate and Blue Sky Studios animator, Theresa Adolph, explains her workflow to approaching a new shot. From research to polish – get ideas to refine your own process.
Read more here.
What did you want to see in 2013 that did not make it to our blog? Leave your content suggestions below and we’ll incorporate them into our 2014 efforts.