Making a film is part art, part science … and an enormous amount of teamwork.
Time to Work Smarter and Together
Films are expensive to produce. That’s why studios have to be sure that the talent they bring in across the board can work to exacting standards. Nowhere is this more true than in the production pipeline itself — where a film proceeds through each stage of production, story, pre-visualization, animation, lighting, and compositing. Studios seek those who not only excel at their craft — but who know how to work on a cross-discipline (animation and VFX) team to pass along the project seamlessly. This production-level experience demands strong collaboration and communication.
And our state-of-the-art, patent-pending AMP™ Studio Production Pipeline directly addresses this industry need by providing you with access to the first-of-its-kind, fully distributed production pipeline — similar to those used by studios worldwide.
Fundamental Classes Teach You Collaboration
In addition, our Animation and VFX Fundamentals teach you studio workflows and best practices — with an emphasis on:
Your Creation:
Develop and create ideas with your team.Your Team:
Collaborate and work with your team to raise your talent. Push yourself and your team to deliver the best work.
The Skills to Contribute on Day One
This dedicated focus on collaboration and the studio pipeline is exactly what studios seek today. Knowing these industry workflows and best practices position you to excel in the industry workforce.
“We checked in with our friends at places like Industrial Light & Magic — and they all told us the same thing. People who bring professional, studio production-ready skills make a difference. We prepare our students to do that and more.”
— Becca Romeo, Industry Relations Manager, Animation Mentor
We invite you to explore our new instructional design … and to pursue your dream through our animation and VFX courses.
See you in the studio school.
— The Animation Mentor Crew