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4 Tips for Working from Home – How to Stay Positive

by | Apr 7, 2020

Heads up! We’ve got more working from home tips for you from our online community, and this week we’re focusing on the positive. Specifically, how to stay positive, focused, and connected while working remotely. Read on for advice from our experienced students and alumni.

1. Eliminate as many distractions as you can.

Distractions are common for us all. The one way that I’ve found to overcome these is by having a to-do list and to go item by item. I don’t know about most of you, but for me setting times and deadlines helps me focus. – Peter Robie, Body Mechanics I get easily distracted sometimes, but I try to set out a block of time for my homework so that I can force myself to sit down during that time and get things done. I’ll turn off my phone and let my mom know that I’m working so I don’t get interrupted. – Erin Taylor, Introduction to Acting I get easily distracted. Luckily, since I’m techy, I put my phone away in another room. I have a smartwatch so I still get notifications if anything is important. Otherwise I can look at my watch real quick and keep working on my assignment. – Nick Ganser, Body Mechanics

2. Connect with other people.

The lack of a social environment can kill productivity. Staying in regular contact with peers via Skype, Google Hangouts, or other services where you can share your work can help you keep track of your progress. – Adam Gillespie, Alumni Don’t let technology get in the way of communicating with others. If you’re having trouble ask for help. – Fátima Malo Torres Trueba, Advanced Body Mechanics *BREATHE* It’s not as bad or hard as it may appear. Reach out to others for help. You are NOT alone in this. Hop on Zoom or FB groups, communities online can be great resources for help. Be in contact with your teachers, let them know what’s going on. Most good teachers, by nature, teach because they care. Remember that. – Elizabeth Kruger, Body Mechanics Create or find a community with colleagues or peers who are doing the same things as you are; facing the same challenges, obstacles or projects. Keeping a line open and a dialogue going with other people is crucial, whether that is for support, socializing like water cooler talk, or even to ask questions and get feedback. Remember, you will get as much out of it as you put into it. – Whitney Strouth, Alumni

3. Be honest about your limitations. What’s something you struggle with?

Outside distractions from others in the household. We now have a set quiet time. – Jennifer Arnold, Advanced Body Mechanics Boredom or lack of inspiration. Whenever this happens, the work that I do will have a drastically lower quality than planned, since I don’t feel that motivation to do it. Normally whenever I feel this way, I take a break from work, watch a video, rest, take a shower. Or do anything to refresh my mind and try to feel relaxed. Then I get back to it with a fresh mind. – Bryan Soto, Advanced Body Mechanics Distractions from my dogs and wife. For my wife, I try and have blocks of time set aside for breaks so we can spend time together. For my dogs, I try and take them on walks during my breaks to tire them out, and have an area for them to rest in the same room as me. – Stephen Arends, Feature Animation Acting & Polish Snacks and boredom 🙂 The only way upwards for me unfortunately is practice. It does get easier, you just have to build a new routine and be as strict as possible about it for at least the first week. Then it’ll start to be a habit. – Taylor Smariga, Feature Animation Acting & Polish

4. Be patient with yourself.

Be patient if things don’t work with platforms or different internet resources, find another way that works for you, like calling to your classmates or email your teacher/boss for clarifications. – Laura de Haro, Body Mechanics Give it sometime, it will become secondary action for you. – Eric Thompson, Alumni My best advice is just do the best you can. Be patient with yourself as you transition. Like anything, the more you do something, the easier and more second nature it becomes. – Taylor Tubbs, Animation Basics There’s probably going to be issues and things may not work smoothly all the time. That’s perfectly fine. Just try to do the best that you can and it will get easier with time. – Maria Vito, Alumni
Thank you to our students and alumni for sharing their advice with us! We hope these tips help you stay focused and achieve your goals while working from home. Interested in more remote work tips? Read 6 Tips for Working from Home – Online Students Got You Covered.
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