It’s 2014, it’s the first day of Animation Mentor Winter term, and it’s time to dance! Dance? Yes, dance, because 2014 is going to be the year of you and we’re here to celebrate that. As an animator, you can be any character you want – a dancer, a prisoner, a pumpkin-head man – the list goes on. It is up to you to bring that character to life. In fact, Walt Disney once said, “Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive. This facility makes it the most versatile and explicit means of communication yet devised for quick mass appreciation.”
Each term Animation Mentor students infuse their work with personality, creativity and imagination. No matter the level of the class, it is easy to see that each artist has their own voice and vision. Our Animation Fundamentals program starts with the task of making a ball bounce and progresses all the way to a completed dialogue shot. Each assignment, each class teaches a foundation and skill set that you will use throughout your career. Every animator once started with a bouncing ball, even Walt Disney. Check out the student work below to see what you have to look forward to as an animator. Ready to make 2014 the year of you? We are. Get more information to begin.
-The Animation Mentor Crew
Student Work from Animation Fundamentals
Class 4: Introduction to Acting
Class 3: Animation Body Mechanics Advanced (contains dancing)
Class 2: Animation Body Mechanics Basics
Class 1: Animation Basics