We asked former student, current mentor, and Blue Sky Studios animator Dan Segarra, “Do you need...
Animation Mentor Articles
New Workshop Alert: Intermediate Storyboarding
Because of the overwhelming popularity of Storyboarding Fundamentals since it’s launch in 2015,...
What is Visual Development in Animation?
Nolen Lee—freelance artist, Punching Pandas creator, and new mentor—shares what a Visual...
What is Previsualization?
The art of making entertainment has been evolving from the very beginning. Now with animation, the...
The Best (and Worst) Ways to Take Feedback On Your Animation
Sometimes putting work out there can be intimidating, but it is the best and fastest way to...
3 New Animation Mentor Workshops!
We’re SO excited to announce that we’ll have not one, not two, but THREE new workshops starting...
Life After Graduation: When You Don't Get a Job Right Away
When you're in school, it's good to step back every once in awhile and think realistically about...
10 of the Best Animal and Creature Animation Posts
You probably know by now that animal and creature animation are 100% essential for your demo reel...
5 Steps for the Beginner Painter: How to Get Started
All animators have different tastes and directions we’d like to take our animation careers. Some of us may prefer wild cartoony action, others may prefer subtle realism. But even if you don’t imagine yourself specializing in cartoony animation, studying it will add important tools to your foundation and make you a better overall animator. Cartoony animation isn’t just for cartoony animators—and here’s why!
Pro Animation Tip: Don’t Forget About the Shoulders!
When you think of showing emotion in animation, what's the first thing that pops into your head....
A Guide to Demo Reel Reviews at Animation Conventions
Heading to an animation convention? First, read up on what to bring, how to get your reel reviewed, and more from some of our mentors and reel reviewers!
Always Keep Secondary Characters Secondary
If you’re an animation student, chances are you’ve tried your hand at animating at least a...
Recipe for Success: Baking Your Animation Cake
Let’s face it—we will never know everything there is to know about animation. Animation is...
Meet Mentor and DreamWorks Animator Robyne Powell!
Mentor and DreamWorks animator Robyne Powell answered all our burning questions about 2D vs. 3D...
How to Set Animation Goals and Follow Through
Working at your favorite animation, film, or game studio can be a tough goal to reach. How do you...
Meet Mike Belzer, Returning Mentor and Valve Animator
Throughout his 30+ year career, Mike Belzer has worked on feature films, short films, stop motion...
Pro Animation Trick: Forget About the Legs!
Basically, the idea is this—if you nail the timing and posing of the body (hips, torso, etc), then...
Why I Learned Storyboarding from Mike Kunkel
We asked star student Amanda Robertson to share her experience taking Storyboarding Fundamentals...
Comedic Timing in Animation: A Student Showcase Behind-the-Scenes
It’s our final behind-the-scenes look at the 2017 Animation Mentor Student Showcase! This time, we...
Why Learning Cartoony Animation Makes You a Better Animator
Caricature When we think of cartoony animation we think of eye-popping takes and wild scrambles....
Stepped vs. Spline Blocking in Animation
Starting any animation assignment presents many creative choices up front! One of the hardest...