The School Experience Goes Online Animation Mentor provides all the support and resources you...

The School Experience Goes Online Animation Mentor provides all the support and resources you...
Rio 2 Photo Credit: Blue Sky Studios What the heck is a Technical Director in Animation? We...
Netflix has become a staple in all our lives and with their amazing original content such as the...
Just as no two films are alike — nor are animation and VFX studies. Of course, here at Animation...
Animation Mentor is getting ready to hit the road. Check it out: CTN animation eXpoThe Burbank...
We are always adding new professional mentors to our school! The Animation Mentor crew proudly,...
It’s true what they say: When the Mom and kid are away, the toys will play. Clip: Partysaurus Rex...
You know what’s cool about we do? We never get tired of it. Every day, there’s that moment in a...
We’re all animators. And we love all things animation. This means tips and tricks, the latest and...
It's been way too long since I had the time to chime in here, but I'm really excited about...