On behalf of the Animation Mentor community, we want to congratulate the Animation Mentor alumni and mentors for their hard work on the Oscar winning film Inside Out!
– The Animation Mentor Crew
Congrats to Animation Mentor’s former and current mentors:
Dovi Anderson
Victor Navone
Mark Oftedal
KC Roemer
Rob Russ
Jessica Sances
Aaron Hartline
Chris Chua
Nathan Wall
Congrats to the Animation Mentor Alumni:
Mike Stern – 2006
Matthew Strangio – 2006
Shad Bradbury – 2008
Allí Sadegiani – 2008
Jude Brownbill – 2010
Belen Gil-Palacios -2012
Amazing work guys – we are so proud!
And of course, congratulations to the all the amazing artists at Pixar, Pete Docter, and Jonas Rivera for a truly unique and amazing story!
Watch Pete Docter and Jonas Rivera inspiring Oscar acceptance speech.