Supervising animators Nick Kondo and Tim Rudder share animation secrets from their experience working on this original and heartwarming film.
cartoony Articles
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3D Shot Breakdown: Cartoony Animation with Torben Soettrup
Alum and Blue Sky Senior Technical Animator Teresa Storhoff, talks about her career path and shares her best animation industry advice.
Q&A with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Animator Nick Kondo
Animation Mentor sat down with alumnus and Sony animator Nick Kondo to hear about his work on the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.
For answers to these and other important questions, read 5 Reasons Why 3D Animators Should Know Autodesk Maya.
Why Learning Cartoony Animation Makes You a Better Animator
Caricature When we think of cartoony animation we think of eye-popping takes and wild scrambles....