You remember our story. We were founded on a simple question: If we were to start over again, how would we want to learn?
We want you to know that we asked another question — this time directly to the studios, with a huge benefit to you. Here’s Bobby Beck, our cofounder and CEO:
“We went straight to the studios to ask what they need. They are looking for artists who understand how to work on a production and have experience under their belt. Our AMP™ studio production pipeline and new animation and VFX curriculum teach those skills. The AMP tool is the first-of-its-kind, fully distributed production pipeline. This environment doesn’t just mimic production, it is production.”
The AMP Studio Production Pipeline
This professional-grade distributed asset and shot management tool allows you to collaborate with other Animation Mentor students around the globe to produce finished films and sequences under the direction of your mentor. The education takes place on our Studio Learning Platform — a series of proprietary tools that work together to provide you with the real experience of working on a studio production. Specifically, you animate your own shots primarily, transition to collaborative projects, and work with the AMP studio production pipeline.
Exciting and New
We have redesigned many of our animation classes — and added new VFX courses — to mimic the collaborative workflows found in studio productions. Additionally, the animation curriculum features production tracks to help you develop the professional-level production experience necessary to excel in the industry workforce.
And Familiar, Too
Even with all these exciting additions — one vital element remains the same. Us. The same Animation Mentor crew, teaching methodology, global community, and dedicated commitment to you remains unchanged. Factor in some cool new characters, monthly payment plans, reduced pricing, and shorter program lengths (formerly six classes, now four) — and our story has never been more clear. We are here to help you pursue your dream.
That’s our story … now let’s start to tell yours.
See you in the studio school.
— The Animation Mentor Crew