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February 16, 2025

February 17, 2025

2D Animation: Walk Cycles & Character Movement


Tell a Story through 2D Character Movement

Movement is at the heart of every story, be it a subtle head tilt or a boisterous cartwheel. In order to tell an engaging story, it’s important to master the fundamentals of character mechanics. We’ll jump right into the Character Movement & Walk Cycle Animation course by focusing on body mechanics, a term used in animation to describe the movement of biped (two-legged) characters. When animating, it’s important to think of your character as a series of connected “parts” so that their entire body moves in a believable way. Get comfortable with body mechanics now so you don’t end up with stiff and wooden performances later on. In this workshop, you’ll apply the core principles of body mechanics to animate believable character movement. You’ll follow in the footsteps of legendary 2D animators as you master classic exercises like walk and run cycles before moving on to more complex character movements.