Animation Mentor’s Library of Free Content
Animation Mentor hosts a variety of online webinars from career advice to animation tips & tricks. Watch legendary Disney Animator Eric Goldberg talk about animation or Animation Mentor Co-Founders Shawn Kelly and Carlos Baena discuss your demo reel and the inustry.
Animation Rigs
Download free exclusive Animation Mentor character animation rigs – Squirrels and Stewart. Also check out the library of rigs that Animation Mentor students use while attending the school.
From industry facts and figures to a compilation of animation tips & tricks written by Animation Mentor Co-Founder Shawn Kelly and other industry experts, check out our ebooks and course catalog.
A collection of interviews and speeches of animation industry experts and alumni. From Enrique Casarosa’s inspiration behind Pixar’s La Luna to Animation Mentor alumni talking about the Disney’s Talent Development Program.
11 Second Club Competition
Learn more about the 11 Second Club, a monthly animation contest to hone your animation skills and interact with a community of animators. Watch animations and ecritiques from current and past winners.